Triple-I: Apply for Enhancement Funds
In this Section
Triple-I courses provide first-year students with the opportunity to investigate big ideas using multiple modes of inquiry. Students develop critical thinking skills that help them better understand complex issues. With three faculty presenting their unique perspectives, students learn to recognize how a multi-disciplinary approach can refine their understanding of global problems and help them navigate the intellectual world beyond the classroom.
In some cases, learning opportunities that go beyond the usual classroom instruction may help students practice and recognize the utility of multi-disciplinary modes of problem-solving. We can provide funds to promote alternative mechanisms for student engagement and unique learning opportunities such as guest lecturers.
Instructors can receive Triple-I Enhancement Grants of up to $500 to pay for special events or activities that will enhance their students’ learning. Examples of expenses covered by Triple-I Enhancement Grants include but are not limited to honoraria for guest lecturers and purchase of course-related supplies. If you have a request that is over $500, these will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Triple-I committee.
The coordinating unit (CU) instructor must apply for funding in advance, preferably by the beginning of the semester the Triple-I is being taught. Upon approval an email will be sent to the CU instructor and their department manager.
Application Process
To obtain Triple-I Enhancement funds, instructors must complete the application. Submission before the start of the semester or early in the semester is encouraged because funds are limited and are awarded in the order that requests are received. Instructors will be notified as soon as possible once the Triple-I Office has made a decision regarding their application.
Expending the Funds
Enhancement grants expire at the end of the semester in which the Triple-I Course is taught. All expense transactions should be in process prior to the last day of final exams. Instructors should work with their department administrator/manager to follow appropriate purchasing and expense procedures.
If circumstances necessitate a change in the enhancement fund budget, a modified budget must be submitted before funds are expended to ensure that all expenditures are appropriate for the fund account that is being used.
Reimbursements for out-of-pocket expenses should be avoided, but should they occur, instructors should submit reimbursement requests within 60 days of the expense or no later than the last day of final exams. Requests submitted after this deadline will not be reimbursed.
Activity Report to the Triple-I Enhancement Fund
The instructor must complete a Report for the College of Arts & Sciences describing how the Triple-I Enhancement funds were used to enhance student learning. The report must include sufficient detail to allow us to provide appropriate information on utilization of funds. The request for the report will be sent by the Triple-I Director to the coordinating instructor at the end of the semester the course is taught.
Limitations on the use of Triple-I funds arise due to various legal constraints on expenditures; University regulations on payments to faculty, staff, and students; some practical concerns; and policies that have emerged as best practice. Specifically:
- There is an expectation that the expenditure of these funds will benefit all of the students enrolled in the Triple-I course.
- Reimbursements cannot be provided directly to students.
- The purchase of equipment is not supported because of issues related to ownership of the equipment at the conclusion of the Triple-I course. Exceptions may be granted, e.g., for purchase of relevant short-term equipment or software. If you have a question regarding the purchase of equipment, please check with your department manager that the equipment meets state regulations and then email the director of Triple-I and the business office for Undergraduate Education you’re your request.
- Triple-I enhancement funds cannot be used to pay salaries for students, faculty or staff.
- Triple-I enhancement funds cannot be used to pay for any form of gift card.
- Triple-I enhancement funds cannot be used to purchase to purchase any food or beverages.
Triple-I Enhancement Fund Application
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