Course proposals are routed to the department chair (or school dean) for review and approval. Units have the option to create additional workflow steps in CIM for a department curriculum committee (e.g., AAAD CIM Curr Cmte) and/or a Student Services Manager (e.g., AAAD CIM SSM). This chart provides suggestions for what each role should review in their approval process.
Visit the Registrar’s website to view your department’s current roles or add or remove users from a role.
Role |
Check these items before approving a course |
New Courses:
- Course number aligns with unit’s internal numbering system
- Requisite & restriction statement(s) are present and correct
- Basic course data is consistent with unit’s course inventory
- A syllabus was uploaded and meets the basic guidelines for UNC syllabi
- Has a fall effective date (not spring or summer)
- Basic course data is consistent with unit’s course inventory
- Updated syllabus included for Gen Ed proposals & credit hour changes
- For a course renumbering, check the “ecosystem” on CIM form. If the course is referenced in a requisite statement or a program course list, submit a CIM-Course and/or CIM-Program revision using the new number.
- Has a fall effective date (not spring or summer)
- Check the “ecosystem” on CIM form. If the course is referenced in a program course list or requirement table, submit a CIM-Program revision to remove the course.
Rollback: The SSM should rollback the proposal to the instructor if they are missing a complete syllabus (if required) or if they need additional information/clarification about the basic course data. |
Department Curriculum Committee |
- The content and topic align with the unit and subject code selected
- Course is the appropriate level for assigned number
- CIM form and syllabus contain clearly defined learning objectives and assessments
- The syllabus contains all required elements including a grading scale and final assessment
Rollback: The department’s curriculum committee should rollback the proposal to the instructor if the syllabus is incomplete or they need additional information/clarification before approval. |
Chair/Dean |
- Unit has the instructional resources to support offering the course
- Instructor has the appropriate credentials to teach the course
- If the unit does not have a Department Curriculum Committee in the CIM workflow, verify content listed above.
Rollback: The chair should rollback the proposal to the instructor if the syllabus is incomplete or they need additional information/clarification before approval. |