University policy requires departments to collect syllabi for all undergraduate and most graduate level courses every semester and archive them for at least four (4) years. To help with this process, all academic units within the College of Arts and Sciences use the Online Syllabus Management (OSM) application to manage and archive course syllabi. Professional school instructors should contact their school or program registrar for information about syllabi collection.
All instructors (faculty and graduate students) have access to upload a syllabus for courses where they are listed as the primary instructor in ConnectCarolina.
All department managers are assigned the OSM Manager Role. This role allows a user to upload and download syllabi for all courses owned by their unit. Managers are able to assign this role to other employees in their unit via the Common Authorization Tool (CAT), using the employee’s PID and ONYEN. For assistance with granting a new staff member system access, please submit an OASIS help ticket.
Our office will contact OSM Managers (any faculty or staff who have been assigned this role in the system) with notices about open/close dates, reminders, and other useful information. Departments are responsible for reminding their instructors to upload course syllabi by the appropriate deadline. Our team may reach out directly to instructors who fail to upload a copy of their course syllabus by the second week of classes.
Frequently asked questions are listed below. If you have additional questions, please contact Gen Cecil or send an email to
OSM Managers need to access OSM from within the UNC Network, or else over VPN. Faculty can access OSM from any location.
Faculty members will be able to upload syllabi for courses for which they are the primary instructor. When faculty members sign in to the application, they will see a list of courses for which they are the primary instructor. Each listed course will have an ‘update’ link if a syllabus has not been uploaded, and a ‘download’ link if the syllabus has been previously uploaded.
In its current implementation, both student services managers and faculty will be able to download syllabi stored in the system. Student services managers will be able to download syllabi of courses owned by the unit. Faculty will be able to download syllabi for courses they instructed.
In this case, either PI will be able to upload a syllabus for the course. After a PI has completed the upload, the course will be listed in ‘completed’ status, and the date of the upload and onyen of the uploader will be displayed.
Independent study learning contracts and honors thesis learning contracts do not need to be submitted through the OSM. However, departments are still required to collect contracts and keep them on file for at least four (4) years. A new system to submit, approve, and archive independent study learning contracts is being developed.
Yes. All College faculty-led study abroad courses are included in the OSM. Syllabi for these courses should be uploaded.
The syllabi will be archived in the system indefinitely.
No, it will not be possible for a syllabus to roll from semester to semester.
No, the OSM will store the original name of the uploaded file. But when the syllabus is downloaded, it will convert the file name using the following convention: Course Number + Section Number + Term + Instructor.
The size limit for uploads is 10 MB. The file types accepted are .doc, .txt, .docx, .pdf, and .rtf. Let us know if you need to upload a different file type or a larger file.