Interdisciplinary Studies: Senior Honors Thesis
Qualified interdisciplinary studies students may pursue a senior honors thesis through one of two routes.
- Through a department or curricula included in your major core (permission must be granted by the department or curricula). Please consult with your faculty sponsor and their academic unit for additional instructions.
- Through the Interdisciplinary Studies Program
Additional instructions for option 2:
- Once you have received approval to pursue a senior honors thesis and have a thesis advisor, log into the Online Learning Contract Manager (OLCM) with your thesis advisor – or after consulting with them – to complete and submit a learning contract for IDST 691H (see here for examples of questions from the online contract form). Be sure the term is correct and the unit is Undergraduate Education. If you do not see your instructor/advisor listed, search for them within a list of all CAS faculty (Checkbox = Check if instructor is not on the list). See OLCM student help document for more instructions. Submit this learning contract by the fifth day of classes in the semester in which you intend to do the IDST 691H thesis work. Upon approval of your contract by your advisor and the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Curricula, you may begin your thesis work.
- If approved to continue your senior honors thesis for a second semester, log into the OLCM to complete a learning contract for IDST 692H. Submit this learning contract by the fifth day of classes for the semester in which you intend to do the IDST 692H thesis work. The review and approval workflow for the IDST 692H learning contract is identical to that of the IDST 691H process in the prior semester.
Questions about the curriculum requirements for the Senior Honors Thesis can be directed to
Questions about registering for the Senior Honors Thesis can be directed to Student Services Specialist, Genevieve Cecil.
Additional Resources