Our Mission
is to support academic units with the processes and systems connected to the undergraduate curriculum life cycle
Development & Approval
Departments and schools develop proposals for undergraduate courses and programs. Faculty who want to develop a new course or program should first contact their unit’s curriculum committee (and/or Director of Undergraduate Studies). All proposals require review and approval. Our office provides support for the submission and approval process.
Every semester academic units develop a class schedule from the approved course inventory that provides undergraduate students with course options to fulfill major, minor, General Education, and elective requirements. The Registrar’s Office provides training for this process. Our office oversees scheduling for the College Thriving, Triple-I, IDST, and SPCL courses. We also support the onboarding of new student services managers (SSM) in the College who help manage scheduling for their unit.
Course Planning
Both prospective and current students often plan their coursework at UNC several semesters in advance. Several resources are available to students for this planning process, including the Academic Catalog (public resource), the Tar Heel Tracker degree audit report, the Historical Course Record report (public resource) and the Class Schedule in Connect Carolina. Our team provides support for the Catalog production process and several processes related to course substitution requests and the re-evaluation of transfer course credit.
Students use ConnectCarolina to register for classes every semester, based on dates and procedures established by the Registrar’s Office. Our office provides oversight with the Pre-registration process in the fall semester for incoming first-year students, and for registration in College Thriving IDST 101, Triple-I, and other IDST and SPCL classes. We also support the onboarding of new student services managers (SSM) in the College who help manage registration for their unit.
Teaching & Evaluation
After a course has been approved, scheduled, and students are registered, instructors and students engage in the teaching and learning process during the semester. Our team provides support to instructors on syllabus guidelines, academic policies, and the Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET) process at the end of the semester.
The Office also supports other programs and operations for the College of Arts and Sciences and Undergraduate Education:
All undergraduate students complete a General Education curriculum as part of their degree program at Carolina. The office provides support to faculty and staff with the course development and approval process, in addition to managing several programs in the IDEAs in Action curriculum.
This program provides an alternative for students who academic interests cannot be met by an existing major.
Our team provides support to both students and faculty on several types of petitions and course re-evaluation processes.